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Sadykbekova А.D., Nurshatayeva A.




the article is devoted to the current topic in the study of English by students of Kazakh and Russian classes.This topic should be studied, as for students whose native language is Kazakh,learning English may bring several difficulties, since the structure and family language of these two are completely different.Moreover,it is generally observed that Kazakh-speaking EFL students compared with Russian-speaking EFL students face great difficulties in learning English.However, achievement gaps in learning English language between the Russian-speaking EFL students and Kazakh-speaking EFL students had not much studied previously   

Ключевые слова:
Kazakh-speaking EFL students, Russian-speaking EFL students, difficulties in learning English   

УДК 37

Sadykbekova А.D.

Master’s student of Philology Faculty,

Suleyman Demirel University



Nurshatayeva A.

PhD assistant professor,

Suleyman Demirel University






Abstract: the article is devoted to the current topic in the study of English by students of Kazakh and Russian classes.This topic should be studied, as for students whose native language is Kazakh,learning English may bring several difficulties, since the structure and family language of these two are completely different.Moreover,it is generally observed that Kazakh-speaking EFL students compared with Russian-speaking EFL students face great difficulties in learning English.However, achievement gaps in learning English language between the Russian-speaking EFL students and Kazakh-speaking EFL students had not much studied previously.


Key words: Kazakh-speaking EFL students, Russian-speaking EFL students, difficulties in learning English.


Kazakhstan is a relatively new country that has made a serious decision to introduce a trilingual education system in the schools of Kazakhstan. The goal of the language policy in Kazakhstan is the integration of the Republic into the world community and, as a result, the rise of science, economy and socio-cultural component of the country. The introduction of trilingual education should make the Kazakhstani population competitive on the world stage. This reform is a component of the "Kazakhstan-2030" program. It is planned that in the coming years, about 20% of the population will be able to communicate fluently in English [ 5]. Why do Kazakhstani people need to learn English? Because the whole progressive world communicates on it. It is the language of science and technology. It conducts most of the research in economics and business. Proficiency in English opens up great prospects for a person.

 In each interview, the first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev noted the importance of education for the development of the republic. In particular, it is necessary to focus on the study of Kazakh, Russian and English languages. In this regard, it is interesting to look at the quality of education that schools with Kazakh and Russian languages of instruction give to their students. It is found that students with Kazakh language instruction face problematic issues in learning English comparing with the students whose language of instruction is Russian. Due to the differences between the Kazakh and English language systems such problems appear. This research paper, identifies the problem, observes ,discusses, and explains it .

 It is obvious that it is easier to master English among Russian-speakers compared to Kazakh-speakers.Of course,it is not hidden fact that Kazakhstan has such problem. But how relevant is it and can it find its own solution?

 The root of this problem lies far away .It should be noted that Kazakhstan was part of the Russian Empire for a quarter of a century, that is, 260 years [ 2] .What language was English taught to children who studied in Kazakh schools during the Soviet Union? In Russian. The essence of the problem is that for many years in Kazakhstan, English was taught not in Kazakh, but in Russian. English was not taught in any Kazakh school, regardless of its location in the countryside or in the city.Russian was the first language that the student learned, and he began to learn English in Russian. Teaching a foreign language in the native language, that is, in Kazakh, was a rare phenomenon. For example, in the practice of our country there was only one English textbook in the Kazakh language (eng. Kaliev, V. S. Maltsev, Z. N. Ochakovskaya, Mektep Publishing House, 1981). The same thing happened not only in schools, but also in higher educational institutions.But in the 80-90s of the XX century, the situation began to change. Kazakh schools began mass opening, and the number of schools in the Kazakh language increased, especially in the regions and large cities. Due to the increase in the number of students in the Kazakh school, now English is taught not through Russian, but through the native language-Kazakh [ 2].

 When we look at the languages of the world grammatically, we see that the logical laws governing the process of human thought are the same for all languages, and the grammar is different for each language[ 1]. Convenient, understandable concepts in one language are unacceptable for another and superfluous for another. However, by making a comparison between the English language and the Kazakh language, we can note some grammatical similarities between them [ 3].

 Speaking about phonetics. There is not much difference in vowels in English and Kazakh: in Kazakh they are 11, and in English (with the exception of diphthongs) 12, and most of them are the same in pronunciation, but there can be seen a slight difference in articulation. For example, in the Kazakh language, new words and various forms of words are formed by joining the root, that is, by suffixes and affixes [ 5].

 There is also a similar way to make a word in English. From the infinitive, by adding the addition of –ing to it, the most commonly used form of the English language is formed, which is called "ing" [ 5].

 The suffix-er (sometimes-or) attached to the infinitive in most cases means performing an action: to read-reader, to write – writer, to work – worker, to sail – sailor, etc.the suffix, which gives a new lexical meaning to the word, is the most common affix in the Kazakh language. This is easily noticed in word formation. However, there are also some differences. In Kazakh, the root remains unchanged, and affixes find harmony with the root, that is, they change according to the law of harmony [ 5].

 The verb" to be " is mandatory in English, but in Kazakh it is not. Words in a sentence in the Kazakh language have their own order, which is stable [ 5 ]. In a simple declarative sentence, the initial is usually at the beginning, and the narrative is always at the end, the interrogator is before the defining word, and the interrogator is at the beginning of the sentence. In the same way, in English, there is a certain order in which the place of the beginning, narrative, etc.of the members of the sentence is fixed. For example, "we live in Astana" – «Біз Астанада тұрамыз» [ 5 ].

 However, it is no secret that there are certain difficulties associated with the peculiarities of the language when it comes to translating from English to Kazakh. The famous Kazakh linguist K. Zhubanov said: "in one language there are rarely words that exactly coincide in essence with any word of another language [ 4 ] . For example, if in Russian there is a concept of "shepherd", in Kazakh it is divided into "shepherd", "horseherd", "cowherd", just as the word "aunt" in Russian in Kazakh can be "әже", "апа" and "апай". Despite its complexity, any Russian sentence can be translated into Kazakh in one sentence. However, such a literal translation cannot convey not only the accuracy of the style, but also its essence" [ 4 ].

 Another difficulty is the impossibility or inaccuracy of translating phraseological words. Translating phraseology from English to other languages always causes certain difficulties due to the semantic integrity and complexity of such constructions [ 3] .For example, "to get out of bed on the wrong side" – "stand on your left foot"; "fish begins to stink (or stinks) at the head" – "fish rot from the head"; "nothing is stolen without hands" – "the head of the grass does not move if the wind does not stand". However, it is very important to understand that such difficulties arise in any language pair [ 5 ].

 Despite the problems with foreign languages in Kazakhstan and the difficulties of translation itself, we can say with confidence that the process of language relations in the country is on the right track [ 2 ]. Due to this fact the current research will be conducted to ensure equal access of different categories of students to full-fledged education in English.According to (Sabbah, 2015, p. 270) errors that occur in the learners knowledge of the target language are the problems that only teachers can recognize, not the learners themselves.Mistakes are lapses in the learners performance. As for errors, they are gaps in the learners competence or knowledge.Therefore, we must urgently research and raise this topic.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (48) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Sadykbekova А.D., Nurshatayeva A. DIFFERENCES BY MOTHER TONGUE IN EFL ACHIEVEMENT, PROFICIENCY & CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR // Вестник науки №3 (48) том 1. С. 5 - 9. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/5347 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/5347

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